A community beyond networking.

Collaboration. Accountability. Growth.

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Your network of like-minded peers.

B-inspired builds communities and connections in different ways, all aimed at leveraging our own skills and enhancing collaborations.

This is done through MasterMinds groups, upskilling workshops and networking events. If you are looking for individual support why not create your own Career Roadmap? Make the next RIGHT move, leverage that sparkle you have!

Hi, I'm Mandy.


Everyone's unique, and I love helping you discover what makes you unique.

What makes me stand out is my love for the question WHY?
Using it helps me identify what makes every individual unique and how you can put that to use. That's my secret weapon. What's yours?

I'm here to help you boost your professional growth through:

🌟 A vibrant mastermind community for entrepreneurs.

🌟 Career insights to help you nail your next big move.

Explore the site and find what appeals to you whether its joining our network or working with individually!"

Find out more

Are you serious about your growth?

Do your recognise yourself in any of the following? You have come to the right place....

"As an entrepreneur I feel isolated"

We can't do it all alone. It's important to surround yourself with the right people that will help you with diverse and honest insights. Share the journey.

"I need some accountability"

It's so normal, we mean to do something... then life gets in the way and at the end of the week it's still an unticked box. Say it out loud and watch yourself keep those promises! 

"I need more visibility"

Trying to spread the word of our business venture can feel like a heavy and unpleasant process. It's easier when you have a strong network and helping you

Ready to take the next step?

There is plenty of inspiration to be found below: Here we go!

Hear about my journey

In my TEDx talk I share my own experience as an entrepreneur.
It's been an adventure that is still ongoing and that I wouldn't have missed for the world, despite the unexpected hurdle at the very start!

It has allowed me to develop my decision making skills, navigate the Perfection-Procrastination- analysis loop, and finally inspired me to launch MasterMinds?

Upcoming Events

Join a Mastermind group!

Are you an entrepreneur serious about taking your business to the next level? This is for you!

Leverage the collective intelligence you can't get from working alone.

Groups are made up of 4-7 people and we keep track of the progress with the GoalGrid system. All mastermind events like workshops and co-working is included in your membership. Connect with other business owners, help each other grow and watch your business flourish!

More information: This way!

Your 1:1 workshop - Get Unstuck

Can't see the wood for the trees? Navigate your options and make the RIGHT decisions for your professional path forward?
There is something for everyone!

Get some empowering interview training. Negotiate your salary, set yourself up for a promotion or simply see what the smartest next step is to get started as an entrepreneur. In short, this is YOUR time.

What do you suggest?

The Job Search Rescue Kit


A "Best of" collection! 
Common interview mistakes, the interview matrix, the salary setting checklist, the networking eat sheet and so much more.
Set yourself up for success with this practical and no-nonsense job search support E-book!

Find out more


“The Workshop was truly helpful to me, it helped me identify what my priorities were and what was the non-negotiable components of my life. It gave me clarity on what I was not willing to compromise on and hence, what I do need to look for regarding the next steps of my life. It was definitely worth the time and money and I would recommend it to anyone who is feeling lost or does not know what should be next in his/her life.”